itc limited
Beyond Ever Limited减持汇能集团(01539)1000万股 每股作价0.6港元
香港联交所最新资料显示,3月4日,Beyond Ever Limited减持汇能集团(01539)1000万股,每股作价0.6港元,总金···
Limited Partnership
翻译 Limited Partnership(LP)通译为有限合伙。 有限合伙企业中又分LP指的是有限合伙人limited partner,就是出钱的,仅仅投资资本,但不参与公司管理 GP指得是普通···
Limited Partner
A partner in a partnership whose liability is limited to the extent of the partner's share of ownership. Limited partners generally do not have any kind of man···
Limited Entrepreneur
A person who is involved in a limited liability company but does not actively manage it. One benefit of being a limited entrepreneur is not having to pay self-···
Limited Liability Company - LLC
A corporate structure whereby the shareholders of the company have a limited liability to the company's actions. |||Basically, an LLC is a hybrid between a par···
Limited Partnership - LP
Two or more partners united to conduct a business jointly, and in which one or more of the partners is liable only to the extent of the amount of money that pa···
Limited Convertibility
A situation in which government regulations prevent the free conversion of the home currency into a foreign one. Because the government is only able to regulat···
Limited Recourse Debt
A debt in which the creditor has limited claims on the loan in the event of default. Limited recourse debt sits in between secured bonds and unsecured bonds in···
Limited Partnership Unit
An ownership unit in a publicly traded limited partnership, or master limited partnership (MLP). This trust gives the unit holder a stake in the income generat···
FIL Limited增持东软教育(09616)139.6万股 每股作价约4.54港元
香港联交所最新资料显示,1月26日,FIL Limited增持东软教育(09616)139.6万股,每股作价4.5398港元,总金额约···
GIC Private Limited增持金风科技(02208)62.56万股 每股作价约13.22港元
香港联交所最新资料显示,3月2日,GIC Private Limited增持金风科技(02208)62.56万股,每股作价13.215港元,总金额···
Limited Liability
英文名称:Limited Liability 中文名称:有限责任指投资人只承担不超过其对公司最初投资额的责任。有限责任制下至少包括一个主要合伙人,他将承担无限责任,其他合伙···
Limited Recourse
英文名称:Limited Recourse 中文名称:有限追索权指债权人对债务人行使追索权利时,必须在一定的时间和数额限定内进行。e.g. Jabal Salab has signed a facility···
company with limited liability
ACB Finance Limited